Today I want to remind you of an event from the life of Abraham, the man from the Old Testament who is described as being the father of all believers…

How many opportunities to be a blessing to others do we ignore or turn away from because in order to offer our service we would have to overcome obstacles? I’m…

Are you too polite with how you pray to God? When praying for a certain cause, emergency, or even praying that God would bring a loved one to the faith,…

At the entrance to Jerusalem’s Church of All Nations, next to the Garden of Gethsemane, there is a sign warning every visitor: NO EXPLANATIONS INSIDE THE CHURCH. It’s a warning…

Albert Einstein is often quoted as saying, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Do you think that the Israelites, who lived under…

Christianity is about being right, right? Someone recently implied this of me as a Christian, in a not so complimentary way. Face grim like a carved mask she said to…

In the Galapagos there is a species of bird, the Sula granti or as it is also known, the Nazca booby. This feathered creature reproduces by laying two eggs a…

Proverbs 30:15, 16 – “The leech has two daughters. ‘Give! Give!’ they cry. “There are three things that are never satisfied, four that never say, ‘Enough!’: 16 – the grave,…

A prairie doctor reins in his horse at a split in the road on a Nebraskan back route. Shoulders black with sweat the Doc has pushed his medical assistant hard…

As Americans we love to pride ourselves on success. The greater the achievement the greater the celebration and the greater the celebration the more everyone should pay attention to us…