Where people are God’s true treasure.
At Salem Lutheran Church, we exist to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone. Christianity is all about relationships. People who worship at Salem have a relationship with each other. Our students and school families have important learning relationships. But here we focus on the one most important relationship: the relationship between you and your God. Come and hear what he has to say.
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March 23, 2025 Worship at Salem MKE
A worship folder PDF for this service can be found by going to:
The heavenly Father is always present in ...the lives of his children. He sees every sorrow we endure. He also sees every sin that we commit, even if it’s only in our thoughts. He is always present. Yet, he is also always patient. God does not snap at us the second we turn from him. He gives us time to see the error of our ways. He assures us that the door back to him remains always open. By giving us room to share our struggles and shortcomings, he works in us the very repentance he desires and saves us from the judgment that would otherwise be ours.
Offerings can be given by going to: https://tinyurl.com/salemgiving. If you prefer, you can mail your contribution to the church office at 6810 N 107th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53224
All lyrics and liturgy are reprinted under CCLI #2000727.
Permission to stream the music in this service was obtained from One License with license # A-712634[+] Show More
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