I remember those days back when I was younger. All summer long, I would play outside barefoot, go to the swimming pool, and play with my neighborhood friends. I didn’t just enjoy summer, I loved summer.
Maybe it was the same for you when you were a kid or perhaps you’re like some of the students at Salem Lutheran School—some of these kids just love school! They can’t wait to be here with all their friends, they love the structure, and they love their teachers.
Either way, when kids come back to school after a long summer break, it takes them a day or two to get back into the swing of things. They have to adjust to waking up early again, doing homework at night, and having to ask permission to use the bathroom.
It’s really the same thing with church, isn’t it? Maybe you haven’t attended church regularly in a while. You’ve gone on a little vacation. Maybe you just love going to church but because of work obligations or family commitments you’ve gotten out of the habit.
This fall, this week, come back to church. Summer vacation is over. If you’ve taken a vacation from church, it’s time to give Salem a try again.
Here you get to learn about Jesus, you’ll hear the time-tested truths presented in new and interesting ways, and you’ll learn timeless lessons applied in a relevant way. God bless you and we’ll see you soon!
In Jesus,
Pastor John
p.s. If you aren’t a member or if you’d like more information about Salem Lutheran Church or worship service times, check out our new website—J.R .